SRA shooting event description page
If you've ever wondered about the SRA events that take place during the year, such as what they are, their history or who is eligible to take part, the list below aims to provide you with some background and information about each event
Surrey Knockout
The Surrey Knockout is a 'round-robin' event in which teams of three compete against each other in a head-to-head knockout format. The winners of each round compete for the Surrey Knockout Shield whilst those knocked out compete in two further rounds for the Plate and Bowl prizes. The format is 2 & 7 at 600 yards.
Surrey League 1
The first phase of this competition comprises teams of 6 in which the top 4 scores are counted. 2 convertible sighters and 10 counting shots at 300 and 500 yards. Teams can be made up of any 6 individuals or drawn from the affiliated clubs. An individual element is being considered for 2015. However, individuals from affiliated clubs need to advise beforehand if they want to enter the individual competition and will need to self-coach to be eligible but their score can be concurrent for the team competition. Any max 156 gn ammunition allowed. The Surrey League scoring system is similar to F1 whereby the winning team earns 10 points towards the next event, second place earns 9 points, etc.
Bisley Clubs Empire Matches
Introduced in 2019 by the SRA Captain, these matches are an opportunity for shooters to compete against other target rifles clubs at Bisley in the format of 6 to 8 person teams (more than one per club if possible). These take place in the form of an Empire match, which comprises 2&10 at 300, 600, 900 & 1000 yards, and there are usually 3 events during the year (see calendar page).
Surrey squad training
This is not a competition event but comprises an opportunity for the SRA to assemble a squad for the inter-counties match and practice together for it
KGV eliminator heat
The KGV (King George V) eliminator is a preliminary round of competition for the King George V trophy. It is an inter-county event (southern eliminator heat) and comprises a short range competition at 300, 500 & 600 yards on Century range. The team is drawn from those shooters who are declared for the County of Surrey for the current year and chosen by the County Captain to represent Surrey. To be eligible shooters must have paid their English XX subscription for the year.
Surrey schools & veterans
This event enables school teams based in Surrey to compete against each other and teams from their alumni shooting clubs. It is a short-range match held over 300 & 600 yards at Century range and schools / clubs enter various teams of up to 6 competitors per team. It is open to school and alumni clubs affiliated to the SRA.
Sir Edmond Elles longrange match
This is a long-range individual competion open to SRA affiliated clubs, and takes place at Stikledown range at 900 & 1000 yards. Course of fire is 2 convertible sighters and 10 shots to count at each range. The event and trophy are named after Lieutenant General Sir Edmond Elles, KCB, Deputy Lieutenant of Surrey and Chairman of the Territorial Force Association. The match counts towards the Club Championship trophy.
Surrey League 2
The second phase of this competition comprises teams of 6 in which the top 4 scores are counted. 2 convertible sighters and 10 counting shots at 900 and 1000 yards. Teams can be made up of any 6 individuals or drawn from the affiliated clubs. An individual element is being considered for 2015. However, individuals from affiliated clubs need to advise beforehand if they want to enter the individual competition and will need to self-coach to be eligible but their score can be concurrent for the team competition. Any max 156 gn ammunition allowed. The Surrey League scoring system is similar to F1 whereby the winning team earns 10 points towards the next event, second place earns 9 points, etc.
RAF Total Oil Challenge
For teams of 20 - 30. Match hosted and run by the RAFTRC with teams from RAF, LMRA, SRA and U25s. SRA team is drawn from across the entire membership and open to all comers. Probationers are expected to attend this match as part of the assessment process. Target teams of 5 - 6 with coaches. National Match conditions. The match used to be sponsored by Total Oil. The winning team gets to keep the Total Oil galvanised oil barrel for a year.
Inter-Counties Meeting
This event is an all-day competition at both short and long ranges at Century and Stickledown between teams of 10 (8 shooters and 2 coaches) representing their home County. It is always a very competitive event, with County pride at stake. The County of Surrey have historically done well in this event, however we don't have it all our own way every year.
Surrey Civilian Cup
The Surrey Civilian Cup is a short-range competition at 300 & 600 yards on Century range, open club teams of 6. Course of fire is 2 convertible sighters and 10 to count at each range.The match counts towards the Club Championship trophy.
Astor Tankard
The Astor Tankard (named after 1st Viscount Astor) is a short-range competition for club teams of 6. Two convertible sighting shots and 7 counting shots at 300, 500 and 600 yards. The match counts towards the Club Championship trophy and the winning team goes forward to represent the County on the morning of 1st Friday of the Imperial Meeting, shooting for the Astor trophy.
KGV Final
The KGV (King George V) Final comprises a County Level Match. The team is drawn from those entered in the Imperial Meeting and who have declared for the County of Surrey in the current year. Shooters must have paid their English XX subscription for the current year. The team can only take part if it has won the eliminator heat earlier in the year. The final event comprises a short range competition at 300, 500 & 600 yards on Century range.
NRA Veterans Match
This is a National Rifle Association event which is open to all vetetan members of the NRA (and bookings are done directly with the NRA)
Surrey Open
The Surrey Open is the SRA's flagship event of the year and comprises a 2 day open competition:
The Cantlay - Queen's I format (2 & 7 at 300, 500, & 600 yards)
The Peek - Queen's II format (2 & 10 at 300, 500 & 600 yards)
St George's Aggregate - (Cantlay + Peek)
The Cannon - Queen's III format (2 & 15 at 900 & 1000 yards)
Thames Valley Arms Aggregate - (Peek + Cannon)
The Willoughby Aggregate - (Cantlay + Cannon)
The Pairs Competition - (pairs of shooters who's grand aggregates are combined)
The Surrey County Championship - the winner of the Grand Aggregate (Cantlay + Peek + Cannon) open to those eligible to shoot for the County of Surrey
The Surrey Open Championship - the winner of the overall Grand Aggregate (Cantlay + Peek + Cannon) open to all competitors
Westcott Cup
For club teams of 6. Two convertible sighting shots and 10 counting shots at 300 and 600 yards. The match counts towards the Club Championship trophy. Westcott Cup presented to the Surrey RA by Leatherhead Rifle Club who compete for the trophy. Each team must comprise of only 2 X class shots allowed, 2 A class and 2 O class in each team.
Surrey League 3
The final phase of this competition comprises teams of 6 in which the top 4 scores are counted. 2 convertible sighters and 10 counting shots at 300 and 500 yards. Teams can be made up of any 6 individuals or drawn from the affiliated clubs. An individual element is being considered for 2015. However, individuals from affiliated clubs need to advise beforehand if they want to enter the individual competition and will need to self-coach to be eligible but their score can be concurrent for the team competition. Any max 156 gn ammunition allowed. The Surrey League scoring system is similar to F1 whereby the winning team earns 10 points towards the next event, second place earns 9 points, etc. Overall winner(s) are decided from the accumulated aggregate of points in the 3 stages.
Ages Match
This is an informal match which takes place annually and is usually hosted by the NRA. It takes the form of teams of 10 based on the age of the competitors, and captained by someone from each age group. The groups are usually: Under 25s, 25-34, 35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65+ and shot as 2 sighters & 10 counting shots at 300, 500, 600, 900 and 1000 yards (coached shoot)