Covid 19
The Surrey Clubhouse is only open at weekends, but all members need to follow strict rules to avoid transmission of Covid-19.
If would like to eat in the dining room, it is essential that you book in first.
Please contact Evelina via email: catering@surreyra.org.
Surrey Open 2020
At this time we do not know if we will be able to hold the Surrey Open in 2020. We are exploring the possibility of holding the event in October.
Entries (and squadding information) arranged via www.shootingcompetitions.org
Information about the event only visitble on the site above until entries closed.
SRA subscriptions 2020
The subscription renewal statements were distributed electronically via email in early January 2020. Some subscription renewals were also posted.
If you're aware that we do not have a valid/current email address for you, or you have not received your subscription renewal please could you contact the Secretary using the details on the contacts page or using the SRA email thereon?